Icy the Husky

"He's always looking for other dogs to play with. If you want to get his attention, say 'treats' or 'puppies'."
Zepplin the black cat

"She's the most unsual cat ever. Loves to be with her people. We take her outside to walk her and stuff, she loves it! But she likes to stay close to us."
Bonnie and Clyde the Beagle
Bonnie and Clyde:

“These two are always up to no good, and doing cheeky things to me all the time! But with faces like theirs, they can get away with anything.”
Marie the Persian

"My daughter picked the name. We got her as a kitten and he took one look at her and decided she would be called Marie, after Marie the Cat in Aristocats. The most demure looking cat out there."
Cucumber the Guinea Pig

"As her name suggests, she LOVES cucumbers.
A real strange guinea pig, and healthier than any of us at home will ever be.”
Comet the Labrador

“We named him after the Goldie from our favourite television show, Full House. He honestly is the tamest dog ever. Not a trouble maker at all.
sI love him to bits.”
Our high quality pet portraits are sure to capture the essence of your pet’s personality.
Buffie the French Bulldog
Faye and Buffie the French Bulldog:

“As fierce as his exterior seems to be, he is a softie at heart and loves to sit by me as i practise my ballet.
A real sweetheart!”
Ash the White Devon Rex
Alexis and Ash the White Devon Rex:

“Ash is pure elegance! Her favourite past time is just strutting around the house showing me who the boss is.”
Chance the Pit Bull
Brandon and Chance:

“Chance here is my buddy and my hero. He works with me in the army and always looks out for me.
I don’t think I could get through my hardest work days without him.”
Victoria the Siberian
Dixon and Victoria:

"She's named after Queen Victoria.”
"Victoria is a pure bred, but I think she has a little bit of Kardashian in her, too. She loves having her picture taken and knows exactly how to pose for the camera."
Dorcas the Spaniel
Julia and Dorcas the Spaniel:

"She's a rescue dog. Her previous owner got cancer, and lost my brother to cancer last year, so I took her in." "I've never had a dog before. I didn't know I could get so attached!" "This will be our first family picture."
Chi Chi the Maltese
Sheena and Chi Chi:

"We had just put down our Boxer, and we weren't looking for another dog. But there was this guy who had this dog he couldn't keep. It was Chi Chi. I guess you could say she adopted us. They capture your heart, these dogs."
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