Brenda Tan holding Noodles


Brenda Tan, better known as wordweed, is a social media influencer based in Singapore. Her lovely puppy, Noodles, just turned two this month! We sat down and had a chat with Brenda about her life as a dog parent and what Noodles means to her.

Meanwhile, the birthday boy just couldn’t sit still and was beaming with excitement throughout the whole interview. Happy birthday Noodles!

How is being a dog mum like so far?

It’s been great! I never thought I would be able to take care of another living body other than myself but life has never been better with this little one. I got to admit I was a bit lost during the first few months but once I’ve gotten to know Noodles’s habits a little better, taking care of him is actually not hard at all. The only thing is that he is always bursting with energy and it can be quite hard to keep up [laughs]. I don’t know how he does that considering we go on hour long walks everyday! The day will never be boring with Noodles around. I thank him for coming into my life and making me such a blissful dog mum. Getting Noodles is honestly one of the best decisions I have made in my life.
Noodles on the bed
Brenda and Noodles by the beach
Noodles on the floor

You take a lot of photos of Noodles. Why?

It’s to keep a memory of him at every stage of his life. I want to be able to look back at these photos and watch his growth. You know, I hate to admit but pets do grow up very fast and they won’t be with us forever. When that happens, I know that at least I’ll still have all these pictures of him around. They also keep me company when he’s not at home! Sometimes, Noodles will hang out at my parents’ place for the weekend and I’m so glad I have a portrait of him hung up in my apartment that i can look at. It also makes my apartment so much cuter and cozier. I’m not kidding when I say I have separation anxiety when Noodles leaves!
Brenda and Noodles in her closet

What does Noodles mean to you?

Honestly, I feel like Noodles is my biological son [chuckles]. He is family and nothing can replace his position in my heart. From the moment I saw him, I knew he would become a big part of my life and I would do anything to protect him. Watching him grow up can be so emotional, can’t believe he’s two already! He is an absolute ray of sunshine and will forever be my favourite, alongside Mavis of course. He is literally the cutest and I think he knows it too. He loves posing for photos everytime someone wants to take a picture of him. The time I took him here for a photoshoot, he had an absolutely wonderful time. Look at him being all excited coming back here again. Isn’t he literally the cutest?