It is completely normal to have doubts and questions before deciding if you want to engage in a service. We understand your concerns and we are here to help. Here are some of the frequently asked questions that we receive.

Meanwhile, you can also take a look at some of our favourite photos that unfortunately did not make the cut (we have no idea why either), but are still absolutely adorable.
About our packages
Dog yawning

We offer three types of packages:
- weekday two-hour studio session ($165) + wall art ($450)
- weekend two-hour studio session ($220) + wall art ($550)
- double trouble bundle deal + two wall art ($1000)
You can choose whether or not to include a wall art for the weekday or weekend sessions but 90% of our customers do and we promise you will love it!

We suggest you come on a weekday if possible as we are slightly overbooked for the weekends and there might be longer waiting time for you and your fur-babies.

Yes, you may. If there are valid reasons causing you to be unable to make it for the session booked, we are more than willing to work things out with you. Simply drop us an email so we can arrange another session for you.

About the process

The photoshoot session will take around two hours. If you are taking the bundle deal, it will be three hours in total for the both of you. However, you do need to make some time before the photoshoot session for a consultation so that we are clear of your needs and preferences. The consultation session can be done physically at our studio or through an online meeting.

Yes! We highly encourage you to bring your own props to the studio so that your pet is more familiar with them. Ultimately, we do want to capture the essence and personality of your pet at his/her usual state. If you do not wish to bring props, props will also be provided here at the studio.

We will have a break in between every session for your pet to explore our studio and freshen up. However, if at any point you feel that your pet needs to rest, feel free to let our photographers know! Rest assured that the session will be personal and fun and your pet shouldn’t feel too worn out from the session.

Cat yawning
About our wall art
Cat flying

A wall art is a set of customized framed photographs of your pet. Our in-house designer will work with you to help you choose the best style to suit your home aesthetics. All you have to do is select your favourite photos, sit back, and watch your pet become a unique piece of art for your home. Say goodbye to plain, boring walls!

Our Wall Art Collection Range features canvas bases, aluminium borders, contemporary frames and ultra-modern acrylic pieces - all kinds of style to suit your every need. You can also choose from five different types of layouts according to your needs and preferencecs.

After the photoshoot session, you will have a design consultation session with our in-house designer. Based on the photos you provide of your home, our designer will advice you on the best type and style of wall art to go for. You will also be able to virtually visualize how the suggested wall art will look like on your wall through our app. Fret not, we will ensure the best selection for you!

Have a question that is not included here? Drop us an email now and we will get back to you soon.